Behaviour Support Program

Through the financial support of the Province of British Columbia and the Community Gaming Grant, the OSNS is able to provide the Behaviour Support program
Activities and Services Delivered
The purpose of the Behaviour Support Program (BSP) is to provide assessment and treatment of behaviour challenges and associated social emotional regulation. These services serve to increase quality of life and maximize success in both preschool/school and relationships/activities outside of learning centres. Behaviour support sets a foundation for maximizing future occupational and community participation.
Children with identified behavioural challenges often struggle to connect with peers and accept adult instruction. They can be aggressive (hitting, biting), self-injurious, compulsive with food, and sometimes non-compliant. These struggles can in turn lead to difficulty with attachment and a sense of belonging. The BSP provides individualized intervention plans for these children. Equally important however, is the training aspect of the program. The services provide one to one and group family training not only to parents but also to extended family (grandparents, older siblings) and other caregivers. The program works in partnership with child care centres, preschools, schools, counsellors, mental health programs, paediatricians and other clinicians to deliver integrated care.
Where and frequency
Over the past year, the program was delivered through a combination of in person clinic visits and virtual sessions. We expect that virtual sessions will continue, particularly to families who live more remotely. We also expect the gradual return of home visits for some families. The program was and is delivered by a behaviour specialist, an occupational therapist specializing in autism and a specially trained family support worker.
The program has been delivered routinely as a course of our operation. The schedule of sessions and supports varies for each child/family depending on their particular needs. New challenging behaviours are responded to as quickly as possible. Although it is our intent to return to group parent sessions, parent sessions over the past year were delivered virtually or in person individually as needed.
Accessibility and Inclusivity
The program is accessible by parent referral or referral from any of our community and health care partners including family physicians, pediatricians, daycare providers and other developmental support workers. All children and families are eligible for the program. Potential barriers to access are routinely investigated and mitigated. OSNS uses translation services for families who are more comfortable in a language other than English.