F-Words - An Introduction
Landing firmly in the area of innovative quality improvement and service integration, the OSNS is shifting our thinking and practice towards the implementation of an F-Words framework of care that is more holistic for all families
INSPIRED by decades of research, CANCHILD - McMaster University developed the six F-Words approach which the OSNS is adopting for use with all children and families. The OSNS as a first step will incorporate the F-Words into our clinical practices, asking the child and parents their strengths, hopes and dreams for each of the F-Words.

The six F-WORDS are focused on all areas of child development
Families come in all shapes and sizes, but no matter the structure, family is an important part of your child's life. Who is your child's family?
What are your child's strengths, likes and gifts? How does your child "do stuff"?
Children need to be involved in activities that they find enjoyable and want to participate in. What are the activities your child finds fun?

Together Towards Tomorrow
Friendships are important for social development. Who are your child's friends?
Children and their families'
expectations and dreams for the future are essential for mapping the way forward. What are you and your child looking forward to?
How do you and your child stay physically active?