What We Do For Children and Families
OSNS has purposely chosen to remain intensely focused on children and families.
Paediatric Early Intervention Programs enhance the abilities of children who are developmentally at risk. These programs make a difference in their lives. Children from birth through their kindergarten year are recipients of child-focused, family-centred, and community-based programs.
In addition to traditionally addressed developmental milestones, the OSNS team provide evidence-based support: creative and pretend play, emotional control, conduct, attachment, empathy, social negotiation, social responsibility, pre-literacy and literacy. We believe that our work helps to safeguard children by encouraging them to take risks and build their capacity.
Our programs include:
Early Intervention Assessment and Treatment
Autism Intervention
Behaviour Support
Family Support
Early Childhood Education
Developmental Assessments including assessments for the Interior Health Children's Assessment Network (IHCAN)
Social Programming for Children & Youth with Autism