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Thank you for supporting our Child Development Centre
Our Centre has continued to see growth and success because of the generosity from individuals, service clubs and businesses in our community.
OSNS provides thousands of treatment hours each year. Our team works hard to change the trajectory of children facing challenges.
Do you ever wonder why we fundraise each year?
Government plays an important role in providing funding for the Centre but doesn't fully cover treatment services. For many years, we have been fortunate enough to receive support from people like you that helps the Centre continue its daily operations. Your generosity makes it possible for us to:
Make more treatment sessions possible to help ease our ongoing waitlists
Purchase equipment that supports treatment sessions
Maintain our space so the facility is safe for kids
Provide innovative programming
We are always striving to make the Centre a happier, more comfortable facility for our children and their families. Thank you for helping make this possible.
OSNS Legacy Foundation: Securing the Future of OSNS
The Legacy Foundation seeks to secure the financial stability of OSNS now and into the future.
The OSNS Legacy Foundation has created a separate endowment fund that will provide an annual interest income to cover the funding shortfalls of the Centre. The objective is simple: to ease the financial burden that OSNS faces each year. The hope and expectation are that with community support, the Foundation's fund will grow to a size that will not only meet the immediate financial requirements of the OSNS, but will facilitate the growth of the Centre so each child receives specialized, compassionate care for generations to come.
With the Foundation in place, we are able to process more complex gift options such as
monthly giving
gifts of securities or stocks
RRSP's, RRIF's or gifts of life insurance
The Foundation can also talk to you about bequests and estate giving.
Visit the Legacy Foundation's website to learn more or contact
Megan Windeler, Community Engagement Lead at megan.windeler@osns.org.